Things I Won't Miss About Chemo

Feb 4, 2019

·             Weekly weigh ins
·             No hair
·             Blood nose
·             Aches and pains
·             Needle sticks and LOTS of them
·             Steroids! (= hunger)
·             Mouth ulcers
·             Numb hands and feet
·             Heartburn
·             Constant exhaustion
·             No eyebrows (drawing them on every single day)
·             Waiting, waiting and more waiting at the hospital
·             Sore finger and toe nails
·             Random toe nails turning black and falling off
·             Slow healing of bruises and scratches/bites (WEEKS)
·             Taking my temperature twice a day every single day
·             Constant worry about germs and getting sick
·             Insomnia (despite being bone tired – thanks again steroids)