Weekly Chemo

Feb 4, 2019

Chemotherapy and the side effects tend to have a cumulative effect meaning they get worse the more you have. My treatment happened to be over the end of school year/Christmas/New Year/back to school period so it was very busy. And my kids would be home from school on holidays for six of those weeks. Deep breath.

The first month was a breeze. Yes, I was tired but I wasn’t wiped out. I had no nausea from this chemo drug and barely any aches and pains. So awesome. But it definitely started to wear me out.

For most of the time, I was trying my hardest to get our lives back to “normal”. And at the end of each day once the kids were in bed and the kitchen cleaned, I was just spent. I had absolutely nothing left to give. But I was so grateful that I could do it. I mean, when you get told you have to have chemotherapy, you have visions of being sick over a bucket all day every day. The fact that I could do the stuff of our everyday life such as making the kids food, reading to them, grocery shopping (albeit I did switch to online and delivered), attending parties, going to the movies was something I tried not to take for granted.

Christmas was wonderful and I was able to attend the family gatherings and be present with my kids and it was really just like normal. But the effort left me in bed for three days after.

As the weeks were ticked off on my chemo countdown chart, I certainly did get more tired and achier. Around the 6 week mark I started to feel tingling and numbness on my fingers and toes (a common side effect of this drug) which definitely became more pronounced each week. The “bad” days where I was feeling the worst and resorted to Panadol to be able to move without pain increased from ½ a day to a day to 2 days to 2 ½ days to 3 days.

By this stage though I was well practiced at self compassion so I was really gentle on myself. I rested as much as possible, only did activities or housework in small bursts with a rest after and made plans for my kids to be taken care of or entertained on the worst days. I knew my limits and said no to a lot of social activities.

So what if we didn’t get to go anywhere during the holidays! Who cares if the kids have potato gems and chicken nuggets for dinner again! Yes, they’re having way too much screen time but it’s just the season we are in right now. It’s what we need and I know it will be different this time next year. So for once in my life I didn’t give myself “Mum guilt” or beat myself up over it. It is what it is right now.

Once again, thank goodness for my Mum who had the kids so often as well as took over my washing so I didn’t have to worry about it. I conserved what little energy I had for other jobs. It was a godsend.

Small victories, silver linings and all that positive thinking really helped me through mentally. My Mum & Dad, husband and everyone else who helped with dropping kids off, picking kids up, having them for play dates and sleepovers helped me physically because I just couldn’t do it all and I couldn’t be the fun Mum.

It’s just the season we are in right now.